
A Miracle or a Mistake?

This design project aims to help in the fight against plastic pollution by transforming post-consumer and post-industrial plastic waste into practical construction materials. These materials, such as 2x4s, plywood, bricks, pavers and more, have the potential to be used in the construction industry in lieu of traditional materials, like wood. This would prompt the additional benefit of slowing the rate of deforestation. The implementation of inexpensive, robust and 100% recycled plastic-made construction materials would undoubtedly have widespread, global implications in the domains of climate change, ecological restoration and obviously, construction.



  • Aiden Shlien

Année : 2022

Région : Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair (Sec/Coll)

Type de projet : C

Classe : S2

Categorie de projet : EE

Volet : Secondaire

Niveau scolaire : Secondaire 5

École : École secondaire Herzliah

Prix et distinctions

Finale Québécoise


  • Expo-sciences pancanadienne 2022
  • Prix de l'université Concordia


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