
Cyrene and Neurodegeneration

My project investigates the therapeutic effect of dihydrolevoglucosenone (Cyrene™) in neurodegenerative models of C. elegans (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease). The results show that Cyrene delays age-associated decline in movement, a key phenotypic characteristic in these models of neurodegeneration, which suggests the potential neuroprotective property of the treatment. Although the exact mechanisms by which Cyrene is protective remain to be elucidated, this work provides novel insight into a potential therapeutic compound that may promote healthy aging and limit age-related diseases.



  • Rebecca Li

Année : 2023

Région : Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair (Sec/Coll)

Type de projet : E

Classe : C1

Categorie de projet : SBSS

Volet : Collegial

Niveau scolaire : Collégial 1

École : Collège Marianopolis

Prix et distinctions

Finale Québécoise


  • Expo-sciences pancanadienne 2023
  • Médaille du Réseau Technoscience - Or Collégial
  • Prix de l'Université d'Ottawa

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