
Eau secours des agriculteurs

Is to to contribuate to the environement. Becouse in earth we have a lot of people wasting water in agricuture and it is the sector that use the most water, and in many countries and there is a lot of drougt period. In Brazil there is a scientist who created a automatic system who can save time and we just put some water and it goes and some people also use water rain to save water.



  • Kaïs Nielsen-Messaddeq
  • Mathis De Courcy

Année : 2019

Région : Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches

Type de projet : C

Classe : JUN

Categorie de projet : STE

Volet : Secondaire

Niveau scolaire : Secondaire 1

École : Collège Saint-Charles-Garnier

Prix et distinctions

Finale Régionale

Québec,Collège Saint-Charles-Garnier

  • Prix Ted Rogers

Nos partenaires