The design will include two wings: a normal one and one enhanced one. The enhanced one will include flaps along the wings body and dimples similar to those found on golf balls. The normal one will serve as a control, and the enhanced wing will improve the ability of a normal wing to generate lift. With the help of a thin ribbon and a fan, the design will show how the air travels on the surface of the wings and will show how the enhanced wing is more efficient than the normal one. This design’s purpose is to prevent stalls.
- Kyan Elkabas
Année : 2022
Région : Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair (Sec/Coll)
Type de projet : C
Classe : S1
Categorie de projet : IIR
Volet : Secondaire
Niveau scolaire : Secondaire 4
École : Herzliah High School
Prix et distinctions
Finale Québécoise
- Prix de la Fédération du personnel professionnel des universités et de la recherche