Our project is basically a smart traffic light, where instead of giving the same time for the green light for all sides, it senses the number of cars on each side, and compares the inputs, and then it prioritizes the side with most cars, and then go in descending order based on the number of inputs (2nd highest, 3rd highest, and 4th highest), and then finally, it restarts, meaning it will repeat forever. This project is carried out on a four-way intersection.
- Anubhab Bhowmick
- Srijith Pradeep Kumar
Année : 2024
Région : EAST - MRSTF
Type de projet : C
Classe : INT
Categorie de projet : IIR
Volet : Secondaire
Niveau scolaire : Deuxième secondaire
École : Académie Royal West
Prix et distinctions
Finale Québécoise
Montréal,Cégep du Vieux-Montréal
- Prix du Ministère des Transports et de la mobilité durable