
Spill Your Guts!

Our design project is based on the topic of the human gut microbiome. More specifically, we have researched the effects of diet and the different macronutrients on the bacterial populations of the gut. We designed a form in which users input information about their daily food intake to receive personalized information on their gut. Proportions are calculated and specific results will be provided. In these results, there will be information about each macronutrient’s effect on the gut as well as a list of the bacteria that are affected by the user’s diet, along with information about those bacteria.



  • Marlene Liang
  • Jessica Liu

Année : 2019

Région : Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair (Sec/Coll)

Type de projet : C

Classe : C1

Categorie de projet : SBSS

Volet : Collegial

Niveau scolaire : Collégial 2

École : Marianopolis College

Prix et distinctions

Finale Québécoise

Longueuil,Collège Charles-Lemoyne

  • Expo-sciences pancanadienne 2019
  • Médaille du Réseau Technoscience - Bronze Collégial


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