
The Biological Shield

Biofilms, communities of microorganisms surrounded by an extracellular matrix, exhibit resistance to environmental stresses, notably antibiotics. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of biofilm formation as a mechanism for protecting beneficial bacteria from antibiotics. The experiment involves adding inducers to bacteria and determining if they can promote biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance in B.subtilis. Results indicate that some substances promote biofilm formation/antibiotic resistance, but no correlation was found between the amount of biofilm promoted without antibiotics and with antibiotics. This research could lead to new methods for protecting our gut microbiome, offering a new perspective on biofilm studies.



  • Nathan Vong
  • Rahul Patel

Année : 2024

Région : EAST - MRSTF

Type de projet : E

Classe : C1

Categorie de projet : SBSS

Volet : Pré-universitaire

Niveau scolaire : Préuniversitaire

École : Collège Marianopolis

Prix et distinctions

Finale Québécoise

Montréal,Cégep du Vieux-Montréal

  • Expo-sciences pancanadienne 2024
  • Médaille du Réseau Technoscience - Or Collégial
  • Prix de l'Université d'Ottawa


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