
The Future of Park Cleanliness

Our project is an all-terrain vacuum that uses a centrifugal fan powered by a 12-volt, 10000 RPM motor in which can maneuver over dirt, grass, concrete, and other different land types all because of on-board suspension. This operates using a tube connected to a cyclone, that uses gravity to pull weighted objects out of the pull of air from the fan. Our design uses recycled materials, and eco-friendly methods such as rechargeable batteries. We call this project, the All-Terrain Vacuum! (ATVac)



  • Liam Valois-Reilly
  • Ethan (Ash) Everton

Année : 2023

Région : Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair (Sec/Coll)

Type de projet : C

Classe : INT

Categorie de projet : EE

Volet : Secondaire

Niveau scolaire : Secondaire 3

École : Laval Senior Academy

Prix et distinctions

Finale Québécoise


  • Médaille du Réseau Technoscience - Bronze Intermédiaire

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