
The Poly-Phaeophyceae Method

With the objective of diminishing our global consumption of fossil fuels, we’ve made a cellulose-based biodegradable plastic out of Phaeophyceae algae, a renewable resource found abundantly in North America and Europe. Our product, with comparable force, flexibility, and supportable mass to low-density polyethylene, could ultimately replace it. This would primarily be in the production of single-use products including disposable cups, bottles, and bags. Not only could the plastic reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, but could also help control the abundance of algae that is harmful to marine life.



  • Adelka Felcarek-Hope
  • Sofia McVetty

Année : 2019

Région : Montreal

Type de projet : C

Niveau scolaire : Grade 10/Secondary IV

École : Académie Royal West

Prix et distinctions

Finale Pancanadienne

Edmundston, New-Brunswick

  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Intermediate - Silver Medal


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