
Lauréats de la finale pancanadienne des Expo-sciences



En analysant des données historiques de visites à la salle d’urgences, j’ai construit un logiciel informatique capable d’identifier les heures et les journées problématiques durant...En savoir plus

  • Stephen Lu
  • The Gwyn Morgan and Patricia Trottier Foundation - Youth Can Innovate Awards - Senior
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of New Brunswick - University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • The University of British Columbia Vancouver - UBC Science Vancouver Entrance Award - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Silver Medal
  • The Actuarial Foundation of Canada - The Actuarial Foundation of Canada Award - Senior
  • Dalhousie University - Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
Pi ça donne quoi??

Le nombre Pi intrigue, que ce soit par son origine qui demeure souvent méconnue, son étude constamment remise en question ou ses utilités multiples. Avec...En savoir plus

  • David Richard
  • Dalhousie University - Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of New Brunswick - University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • The University of British Columbia Vancouver - UBC Science Vancouver Entrance Award - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Silver Medal
  • Youth Science Canada - Challenge Award - Discovery - Senior
Correction assistée

Ce projet consiste à concevoir un logiciel qui aura comme but de détecter avec une caméra le nombre de points que le professeur va inscrire...En savoir plus

  • Sébastien Girard
  • Dalhousie University - Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of New Brunswick - University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • The University of British Columbia Vancouver - UBC Science Vancouver Entrance Award - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Silver Medal
Transition près du zéro absolu

Le phénomène du passage de l’état liquide à gazeux est très courant dans notre quotidien. En physique, ce type de changement s’appelle une transition de...En savoir plus

  • Julien-Pierre Houle
  • Dalhousie University - Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of New Brunswick - University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2500 Entrance Scholarship
  • The University of British Columbia Vancouver - UBC Science Vancouver Entrance Award - Senior Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Silver Medal
Democratizing Aerospace Technologies: A Novel Approach to Space R&D

Mon projet « citoyens de l’espace » cherche à démocratiser et décentraliser le développement des technologies aérospatiales en offrant un exemple à tous de comment,...En savoir plus

  • Cyril Mani
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Bronze Medal
  • Canadian Association of Physicists - CAP Physics Prize - Senior
OMG des insectes?!

De nos jours, nous connaissons tous les bienfaits des Oméga 3 entre autres pour notre cerveau. Mais l’Oméga 3 est en carence dans notre alimentation...En savoir plus

  • Antoine Blais
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Gold Medallist - $4000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Junior - Gold Medal
  • Youth Science Canada - Challenge Award - Resources - Junior
  • 4-H Canada - 4-H Canada Food Security Award - Junior
Robot au service du ping-pong

Robot au service du ping-pong, un projet de conception complexe et audacieux. Il s'agit ici de la conception et de la réalisation d'un robot lanceur...En savoir plus

  • Nicolas Allard
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Bronze Medal
Dessine-moi un mouton

Dans le cadre de mon projet d'Expo sciences, j'ai conçu une orthèse d'écriture pour une fillette de 4 ans nommée Abigaëlle. Celle-ci est atteinte d'arthrogrypose...En savoir plus

  • Juliette Quirion
  • The Gwyn Morgan and Patricia Trottier Foundation - Youth Can Innovate Awards - Intermediate
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Gold Medallist - $4000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Intermediate - Gold Medal
La régénération neuronale assistée par un modèle informatique

Mon expérience a pour objectif de rechercher des gènes qui permettent aux neurones du système nerveux central de se régénérer en cas de blessure. Pour...En savoir plus

  • Laurence Liang
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
  • University of Ottawa - University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship - Senior Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Senior - Bronze Medal
The Poly-Phaeophyceae Method

With the objective of diminishing our global consumption of fossil fuels, we’ve made a cellulose-based biodegradable plastic out of Phaeophyceae algae, a renewable resource found...En savoir plus

  • Adelka Felcarek-Hope
  • Sofia McVetty
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Intermediate - Silver Medal
Ensemble contre la résistance

Mon projet porte sur la résistance aux antibiotiques des bactéries, un problème qui, en 2050, fera plus de victimes que le cancer ou qu’un accident...En savoir plus

  • Anna Voia
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Intermediate - Silver Medal
Fog On Fog Off

The purpose of this project was to design an efficient small-scale fogponics system. Fogponics is a method of growing plants without soil in which fog...En savoir plus

  • Hajeong Seo
  • Western University - Western University Scholarship - Silver Medallist - $2000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Youth Science Canada - Excellence Award - Intermediate - Silver Medal

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